Thursday, October 20, 2016


I have the power. 

It lies in the palm of my hands.

It may be small and seemingly harmless.

But it's not.

It is large and mighty in it's abilities.

With it in my hands, I can alter your life's destiny, I can stop your clock.

With it in my hands, I can inflict pain, I can torture, I can destroy.

I decide what needs to be done.

I decide the end result.

You may beg.

You may compromise.

But I decide.

Is it right or is it wrong to take away your only life?

Am I justified?

There are no voices, no guidance.

I decide if I am right.

Should I wait for assurance of my coming actions or is my duty due now?

Be quick, be sure.

I decide the hour.

The price is large either way.

I cannot leave without a scar.

It's you or me.

It's them or you.

It's time or dignity.

Rarely do both accompany the end.

It's so easy yet so hard.

The simple pressure of my finger seals the deal.

The racing thoughts and feelings of my mind prolongs the kill.

I am either the grim reaper, the Hades, the Yama or the Prometheus, the Vishnu, the Savior of your life.

I have the power to kill you.

Whether or not I deserve it,

Whether or not I have sufficient knowledge,

Whether or not I have sufficient mercy and justice.

I have the power to kill you.

I have the power to not kill you.

I have the power.

And it lies in the palm of my hands.

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